dimarts, 14 de gener del 2020
vídeo de presentació
Torno a ser jo, la Halach, i aquest cop us porto un vídeo que he gravat on explico la meva presentació. Dins el vídeo parlo en 3 idiomes diferents; el català, l'anglès i el francès. En total és un vídeo que n'engloba 3; en un em presento, en l'altre explico que faig cada dia i finalment quina importància i que faig dins la història. Espero que ho gaudiu.
dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2019
Clothes description
My clothes are very simple and comfortable, but comparing with the European clothes, minds are very ugly and they look poor. So I always wear an orange tunic, with some black leggings and moccasins, that are a type of brown shoes that inside them are so warm, I love them. And in winter I normally change my clothes because it's always cold so I need to wear a type of bearskins that are very comfortable, a large thick cape, and that's it all I wear during the year.
My clothes are very simple and comfortable, but comparing with the European clothes, minds are very ugly and they look poor. So I always wear an orange tunic, with some black leggings and moccasins, that are a type of brown shoes that inside them are so warm, I love them. And in winter I normally change my clothes because it's always cold so I need to wear a type of bearskins that are very comfortable, a large thick cape, and that's it all I wear during the year.
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vídeo de presentació
Torno a ser jo, la Halach, i aquest cop us porto un vídeo que he gravat on explico la meva presentació. Dins el vídeo parlo en 3 idiomes dif...
DESCRIPCIÓN FÍSICA: Hola, soy Halach, la jefe indígena del poblado indígena de Zapotec y hoy vengo para describirme físicamente. Mi aspe...